Istiklal Street Live Streaming HD Istanbul Webcam in Turkey
Istiklal Street Live Streaming HD Istanbul Webcam in Turkey
This HD streaming Istanbul webcam is overlooking the popular Istiklal Avenue in the Beyoğlu District of the Turkish city of Istanbul. People Watch LIVE on the Istiklal Street in Istanbul by viewing this live HD video streaming Istanbul City webcam in Turkey
İstiklal Avenue or Istiklal Street is one of the most famous avenues in Istanbul, Turkey, visited by nearly 3 million people in a single day over the course of weekends. Located in the historic Beyoğlu (Pera) district, it is an elegant pedestrian street, approximately three kilometers long, which houses exquisite boutiques, music stores, bookstores, art galleries, cinemas, theaters, libraries, cafés, pubs, night clubs with live music, historical patisseries, chocolateries and restaurants.
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