Big Cat Rescue Sanctuary Streaming Lions and Tigers Web Cam Tampa Florida
Big Cat Rescue Sanctuary Streaming Lions and Tigers Web Cam Tampa Florida
View Lions and Tigers LIVE when they visit the famous Big Cat Rescue Sanctuary in Tampa – Florida. Have a `Close Encounter` with Tigers and Lions at the Big Cat Rescue Sanctuary by watching this live video streaming Lions and Tigers webcam This Big Cat Rescue Sanctuary overlooks the 2.5 acre Lion and Tigers enclosure which is called the Vacation Rotation. Lions and Tigers visiting the Big Cat Rescue Sanctuary in Tampa – Florida – stay for a two week period in the Vacation Rotation at the Big Cat Rescue Sanctuary
Watch this LIVE streaming video Lions and Tigers Big Cat Rescue Sanctuary camera in Tampa – Florida on all rypes of mobile phone devices – tablets – computers
Big Cat Rescue is an animal sanctuary near Tampa, Florida, United States, devoted to rescuing and housing exotic felines, rehabilitating injured or orphaned native wild cats, and ending the private trade and ownership of exotic cats via educational outreach and legislation. As of August 2015, the center is home to 19 big cats and 67 small cats. Big Cat Rescue has sheltered binturongs,bobcats, caracals, civets, cougars, Geoffroy’s cats, leopards, lions, lynxes, ocelots, sand cats, servals, and tigers.
The sanctuary is located on 67 acres (27 ha) in the Citrus Park area of North Tampa in the US state of Florida
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