Hummingbird Nest Streaming Web Cam La Verne California
Hummingbird Nest Streaming Web Cam La Verne California
Check out this live video streaming Hummingbirds Nest webcam LIVE from La Verne city area in the US state of California Watch LIVE Bella the mother hummingbird look after her baby hummingbirds in her nest by viewing this streaming live Hummingbirds Nest webcam
Watch LIVE this Live streaming Hummingbirds Nest Camera on all types of mobile phone devices – tablets computers
Hummingbirds are New World birds that constitute the family Trochilidae. They are among the smallest of birds, most species measuring in the 7.5–13 cm (3–5 in) range. Indeed, the smallest extant bird species is a hummingbird, the 5-cm bee hummingbird, weighing less than a U.S. penny (2.5 g).
They are known as hummingbirds because of the humming sound created by their beating wings which flap at high frequencies audible to humans. They hover in mid-air at rapid wing-flapping rates, typically around 50 times per second, allowing them also to fly at speeds exceeding 15 m/s (54 km/h; 34 mph) backwards