Ponta da Praia Weather Web Cam City of Santos Brazil
Ponta da Praia Weather Web Cam City of Santos Brazil
Check out the live weather in the Sao Paulo city of Santos in Brazil by viewing this real time live streaming Ponta da Praia weather cam in the Channel 6 and 7 area of Santos in the Sao Paulo area of Brazil This LIVE Ponta da Praia weather webcam is a live controllable and interactive web cam in the Brazilian city of Santos in the Sao Paulo area of Brazil
View LIVE this LIVE streamning Ponta da Praia weather camera in the city of Santos in the Sao Paulo area of Brazil on all types of mobile phone devices – tablets – computers
The Ponta da Praia is an upscale neighborhood of the city of São Paulo to Santos in Brazil .
A neighborhood rich in history. It is considered one of the best neighborhoods in the city, due to security and high-income residents. Its Estuary neighborhoods (separated by Av. Afonso Pena) and Aparecida (by Channel 6). The beach of Praia da Ponta is the lowest in the region. The neighborhood is located in channels 6 and 7, and has a beautiful waterfront with a great view of both the sea as ships crossing the canal.
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